
sociallydead.net - subculture hosting!

About us...

Hi, welcome to sociallydead.net! Affordable, well actually free subculture hosting! Wait, now you wonder? FREE?

Yes, within limits that is. Here is why it is free... We host quiet a few websites for big well paying customers. Now normally when a server reaches like 70% load we bring another one online...

That means we normally have storage and resources left. And we like to help people out, lets face it, may small YouTubers for example do not want to spend money on a website or a domain name. So we help!

What do you get? A free domain name under our domain. like yourproject.sociallydead.net, 5 email adresses amd and 5GB of storage together with 25GN a month of traffic! Further you get access to a Plesk control panel to manage your website. We also list you on this website.

Anyhow we use something called cgroups, and since you are on a free plan well there are limits like the ones above, but also it means our paying customers have priority so if the server gets busy you might get slower.

Interested? Send us an email at hosting@sociallydead.net